17 research outputs found

    Problemy wielokulturowości na Ukrainie

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    Since the proclamation of its independence Ukraine has been struggling with numerous serious social problems. They are partly inherited after the Soviet Union, but partly they reflect the processes emerging under the new social and political circumstances. The latter involve the growing social migration and particularly the migration of Crimean Tartars to the Crimea and the issues of appropriate ethnic relations between various ethnic groups in Ukraine. Both issues mainly concern the southern frontier of Ukraine and they are particularly intensive in the Crimea, which constitutes an Autonomous Republic of Ukraine. These processes create a highly complex national situation in the Crimea, which is outlined in the paper.Since the proclamation of its independence Ukraine has been struggling with numerous serious social problems. They are partly inherited after the Soviet Union, but partly they reflect the processes emerging under the new social and political circumstances. The latter involve the growing social migration and particularly the migration of Crimean Tartars to the Crimea and the issues of appropriate ethnic relations between various ethnic groups in Ukraine. Both issues mainly concern the southern frontier of Ukraine and they are particularly intensive in the Crimea, which constitutes an Autonomous Republic of Ukraine. These processes create a highly complex national situation in the Crimea, which is outlined in the paper

    Sound Event Detection and Time-Frequency Segmentation from Weakly Labelled Data

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    Sound event detection (SED) aims to detect when and recognize what sound events happen in an audio clip. Many supervised SED algorithms rely on strongly labelled data which contains the onset and offset annotations of sound events. However, many audio tagging datasets are weakly labelled, that is, only the presence of the sound events is known, without knowing their onset and offset annotations. In this paper, we propose a time-frequency (T-F) segmentation framework trained on weakly labelled data to tackle the sound event detection and separation problem. In training, a segmentation mapping is applied on a T-F representation, such as log mel spectrogram of an audio clip to obtain T-F segmentation masks of sound events. The T-F segmentation masks can be used for separating the sound events from the background scenes in the time-frequency domain. Then a classification mapping is applied on the T-F segmentation masks to estimate the presence probabilities of the sound events. We model the segmentation mapping using a convolutional neural network and the classification mapping using a global weighted rank pooling (GWRP). In SED, predicted onset and offset times can be obtained from the T-F segmentation masks. As a byproduct, separated waveforms of sound events can be obtained from the T-F segmentation masks. We remixed the DCASE 2018 Task 1 acoustic scene data with the DCASE 2018 Task 2 sound events data. When mixing under 0 dB, the proposed method achieved F1 scores of 0.534, 0.398 and 0.167 in audio tagging, frame-wise SED and event-wise SED, outperforming the fully connected deep neural network baseline of 0.331, 0.237 and 0.120, respectively. In T-F segmentation, we achieved an F1 score of 0.218, where previous methods were not able to do T-F segmentation.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Hypertrophic olivary degeneration in a 16-year-old girl after subtotal surgery of a brainstem pilocytic astrocytoma : a case report

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    Purpose: Hypertrophic olivary degeneration (HOD) is a unique neurological condition caused by interruption of the dentato-rubro-olivary pathway, also known as the triangle of Guillain and Mollaret. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is the best modality to diagnose both the degeneration of the inferior olivary nucleus and the underlying cause. Case report: We describe a case of a unilateral HOD in a 16-year-old girl several months after a subtotal excision of a brainstem pilocytic astrocytoma. Taking into account the patient's history, tumour recurrence must have been considered, but the typical location and MR morphology, as well as the time of occurrence after brainstem surgery, contributed to the diagnosis of HOD. The causative factor was the interruption of the central tegmental tract, which forms one arm of the Guillain and Mollaret triangle. Additionally, this is an interesting case of a child, who stayed in a coma for several months following brainstem surgery, but finally was discharged home with only minor neurological defects and returned to normal life. Conclusions: Hypertrophic olivary degeneration is an infrequent neurological condition, especially in the paediatric population. Nevertheless, it should be considered when interpreting late postoperative scans of children with a history of a brain tumour

    Environmental Audio Analysis by Non-negative Matrix Factorization

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    Environmental sounds occur in a complex mixture. Recognizing, isolating and interpreting different environmental sounds are easy and natural tasks for human listeners but remain challenging problems for machines. With proliferation of smart audio devices it is becoming ever more important to develop robust algorithms for analysis of such environmental sounds. In this thesis, we investigate methods based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) for several tasks of environmental audio analysis. NMF as a dictionary learning method has been proven to learn compact representations of sounds, that can be used for source separation or classification, to name just a few. The experimental evidence presented in this thesis focuses on showing how we can adapt NMF via regularization for recognition and detection of environmental sounds.Firstly, we approach the task of Audio Event Detection (AED), which aims to automatically recognize, label and estimate position in time of sound events in continuous audio signals. Using a carefully labelled dataset of real life recordings, we show how enforcing sparse representations and modelling temporal context in Coupled Sparse NMF improves accuracy of polyphonic AED.Secondly, we tackle the problem of binary classification of weakly labelled audio. By weak labels we mean that each audio file has just a tag denoting the presence or absence of a sound of interest, without its specific location in time. We propose to address this challenge by adding a constraint to basic NMF, introducing a novel Masked NMF for learning on weakly labelled audio data. We show that Masked NMF performs well on the Bird Audio Detection task.Finally, we propose an orthogonality regularizer for Masked NMF to perform AED on weakly labelled audio data. By adding a regularization term to Masked NMF, we show how the novel method can be used for monophonic AED. We conduct experiments on a dataset of rare audio events. Our results show that Orthogonality-Regularized Masked NMF is a promising method for monophonic detection of impact sounds

    Intercultural competence as a capital in the labour market

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    In the case of dynamic changes in the labour market and high unemployment, the question of which abilities give a chance of finding a job, or maintaining it is particularly important. It concerns the employees as well as employers who are seeking suitable employees and they must know what skills are needed to develop their business. Adapting workers and businesses to the requirements of a changing economy becomes a condition of their survival and development. And these changes are related primarily to the processes of transformation and economic modernization, and globalization and internationalization of the economy. In this article factors influencing the increasing importance of intercultural competence in the Polish labour market and the implications of this change for employers and employees, that may occur in different types of organizations have been discussed. Intercultural competencies have been defined as knowledge, skills and attitudes to allow for establishing and maintaining positive personal contacts and professional relationships and effective communication with members of other cultures. The first part of this article concerns the factors of internationalization of the Polish labour market. The second one shows the consequences of this phenomenon for organizations: businesses, business environments and [email protected] ŚląskaSzkoła Wyższa im. B. Jańskieg

    Problems of the Frontier of South Ukraine

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    Since the proclamation of its independence Ukraine has been struggling with numerous serious social problems. They are partly inherited after the Soviet Union, but partly they reflect the processes emerging under the new social and political circumstances. The latter involve the growing social migration and particularly the migration of Crimean Tartars to the Crimea and the issues of appropriate ethnic relations between various ethnic groups in Ukraine. Both issues mainly concern the southern frontier of Ukraine and they are particularly intensive in the Crimea, which constitutes an Autonomous Republic of Ukraine. These processes create a highly complex national situation in the Crimea, which is outlined in the paper

    Problems of the Frontier of South Ukraine

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    Since the proclamation of its independence Ukraine has been struggling with numerous serious social problems. They are partly inherited after the Soviet Union, but partly they reflect the processes emerging under the new social and political circumstances. The latter involve the growing social migration and particularly the migration of Crimean Tartars to the Crimea and the issues of appropriate ethnic relations between various ethnic groups in Ukraine. Both issues mainly concern the southern frontier of Ukraine and they are particularly intensive in the Crimea, which constitutes an Autonomous Republic of Ukraine. These processes create a highly complex national situation in the Crimea, which is outlined in the paper

    Communication and symbolic dimension of language education in the Opole Silesie – the case of the German language

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    Mother tongue is one of the most important aspects of preserving identity of national or ethnic minority. Being in force since 2005 the Law on National and Ethnic Minorities and Regional Language minorities in Poland secures the right to preserve and maintain their language and to introduce it as an assistant language in municipalities. In the Opole province this refers to the German language, which also in the whole country dominates in teaching minority languages. Analysis of statistical data on the size of the German minority in Poland tends to reflect on the double meaning of the German language in the Opole Silesia. Is learning German as a minority language, fulfil such a role? To what extent German is ‘sui generis’ and to what extent „lingua franca” in the Opole Silesia? To answer this questions, the Education Information System data, the data of the National Population and Housing Census 2002 and 2011, as well as the statements of representatives of German minority were [email protected] Opolski20 lat TSKN na Śląsku Opolskim, (2009), Opole, s. 101-102.II Raport dla Sekretarza Generalnego Rady Europy z realizacji przez Rzeczpospolitą Polską postanowień Europejskiej Karty Języków Regionalnych lub Mniejszościowych, https://www.coe.int/t/dg4/education/minlang/Report/EvaluationReports/PolandECRML1_plBartmiński J. (1996), Język nośnikiem tożsamości narodowej i przejawem otwartości, [w:] L. Dyczewski (red.), Tożsamość polska i otwartość na inne społeczeństwa, Lublin, s. 39-59.Europejska karta języków regionalnych lub mniejszościowych – Dz. U. 2009 nr 137 poz. 1121. http://isap.sejm.gov.pl/DetailsServlet?id=WDU20091371121, [10.09.2015]Języki obce według województw IX 2014, System Informacji Oświatowej z Centrum Informatycznego Edukacji, http://www.cie.men.gov.pl/index.php[/dane-statystyczne/140.html, [10.09.2015]Kołodziej H. (2015), Oczekiwania dotyczące edukacji wielokulturowej ze strony mniejszości niemieckiej, [w:] Edukacja mniejszościowa w Polsce. Wczoraj – dziś – jutro, Gliwice – Opole.Konstytucja RP Dz. U. 1997 nr 78, poz. 483. http://www.sejm.gov.pl/prawo/konst/polski/2.htm, [10.09.2015].Konwencja ramowa o ochronie mniejszości narodowych – Dz. U. 2002 nr 22 poz. 209, http://isap.sejm.gov.pl/DetailsServlet?id=WDU20020220209, [10.09.2015].Kosmala G. (2009), Zachować pamięć, zachować tożsamość, [w:] 20 lat TSKN na Śląsku Opolskim, Opole.Narodowy Spis Powszechny Ludności i Mieszkań 2002 http://stat.gov.pl/spisy-powszechne/narodowe-spisy-powszechne/narodowy-spis-powszechny-2002, [10.09.2015.Narodowy Spis Powszechny 2011 http://stat.gov.pl/spisy-powszechne/nsp-2011, [10.09.2015].Ogiolda K. (red.) (2015), Rozmowy na 10-lecie ustawy o mniejszościach narodowych i etnicznych, Opole.Raport języki mniejszości – 09.2014, SIO, http://www.cie.men.gov.pl/index.php/dane-statystyczne/140.html, [10.09.2015].Raport „Nauczanie języka niemieckiego jako języka mniejszości narodowej w szkołach woj. opolskiego”, Opole 2012.Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 14 listopada 2007 r. w sprawie warunków i sposobu wykonywania przez przedszkola, szkoły i placówki publiczne zadań umożliwiających podtrzymywanie poczucia tożsamości narodowej, etnicznej i językowej uczniów należących do mniejszości narodowych i etnicznych oraz społeczności posługującej się językiem regionalnym – Dz. U. z 2007 r. nr 214, poz. 1579.System Informacji Oświatowej z Centrum Informatycznego Edukacji http://www.cie.men.gov.pl/index.php/dane-statystyczne.html, (10.09.2015).Ustawa z dznia 7 września 1991 r. o systemie oświaty, Dz. U. 2004 nr 256, poz. 2572.Ustawa z dnia 6 stycznia 2005 r. o mniejszościach narodowych i etnicznych oraz o języku regionalnym, Dz. U. 2005 nr 17 poz. 141, ze zm.. http://isap.sejm.gov.pl/DetailsServlet?id=WDU20050170141, [10.09.2015].Ziółkowski M. (1998), Język i komunikowanie, [w:] Encyklopedia socjologii, t. 1: A-J, Warszawa.247-26127/224726

    Problems of transferring knowledge on the example of recommendations from evaluation of European Funds in Poland

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    This article presents the conditions of creating a system for implementing recommendations from evaluation studies which were conducted within the cohesion policy in Poland. The purpose of this analysis was to identify main problems and barriers related to the transformation of evaluation studies into practical recommendations, and to identify factors affecting the adoption and implementation of recommendations by recipients and stakeholders of evaluation. Conclusions were based on the desk research of such documents as: guidelines and procedures for the implementation of evaluation, evaluation and meta-evaluation reports, recommendation and implementation tables. The main barriers and factors favouring the transfer of knowledge from evaluation research to management practices in public administration and local governments were pointed out. The most common restrictions on use of evaluation results include: weak participation of stakeholders in the process of study planning; inconsistency between the subject of evaluation and the scope and content of recommendations; low level of knowledge of the nature and objectives of evaluation among decision-makers; lack of feedback regarding the implementation of recommendations for evaluators. The article gives reasons for the relationship among such features of the evaluation process as: openness, participation and communication skills, quality of recommendations. Evaluation studies and their social significance were shown from the perspective of dividing Michael Burawoy's sociological work into policy and public sociology

    Sources of Polish sociological thought in Lviv scientific community: positivism of Joseph Supinski

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    Polish sociological thought has its roots in many sources. Lviv scientific community is one of them, whose influence would certainly be higher if the period of World War II and the final loss of these lands by the reborn Poland, did not stop its development. Socio-cultural environment of Lviv of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century helped to create the beginnings of Polish sociological thought. This happened, among others, through the influence of Lviv scientists for the next generation of students who frequently replenished later scientific community in Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan, and after the Second World War, the Wrocław and Gliwice ones. Polish sociology was formed, as in Western Europe, on the basis of positivism. By moving and adapting these ideas to the Polish conditions by Joseph Supinski, it gained with time its followers, as well as the opponents. Joseph Supinski is credited for Polish sociology to conduct a comprehensive synthesis of positivist’s ideas and giving them a coherent theoretical form, along with an extensive conceptual apparatus.Polska myśl socjologiczna sięga swoimi korzeniami wielu źródeł. Lwowskie środowisko naukowe jest jednym z nich, którego wpływ byłby z pewnością większy, gdyby okres II wojny światowej i ostateczna utrata tych ziem przez odrodzoną Polskę, nie przerwał jego rozwoju. Środowisko społeczno-kulturalne Lwowa przełomu XIX i XX wieku współtworzyło początki polskiej myśli socjologicznej. Dokonało się to między innymi poprzez wpływ akademików lwowskich na kolejne pokolenia uczniów, które licznie zasiliły później środowiska naukowe warszawskie, krakowskie, poznańskie, a po II wojnie światowej, również wrocławskie i gliwickie. Polska socjologia powstała, podobnie jak w krajach Europy Zachodniej, na gruncie pozytywizmu. Dzięki przeniesieniu i dostosowaniu tych idei do polskich warunków przez Józefa Supińskiego, z czasem zyskała ona swoich kontynuatorów, ale i oponentów. Niewątpliwą zasługą Józefa Supińskiego dla socjologii polskiej było dokonanie całościowej syntezy idei pozytywistycznych i nadanie im spójnej teoretycznej postaci, wraz z rozbudowaną aparaturą pojęciową